Kannagi (2023)



Genre: Romance

Actor: Ammu Abhirami | Keerthi Pandian | Yashwanth Kishore

IMDb 7.1/ 10 (5200 votes)

Director: Yashwanth Kishore

Country: India


iMDB: https://imdb.com/title/tt13899570/

Kannagi (2023): Story of four women, whose lives are dominated, crafted, and judged by the society. The movie conveys how the lives of four women are affected changed and disturbed by external influences. The struggle of a women in breaking free, from the stereotypes designed by the society and the limitations that are enforced on them through her constant effort to live a happy life, an unjudged life, a simple life is portrayed though four character in the film.

Kannagi (2023)

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